

I despise my Fit for Life class. The plan is to pass with a C. Which is fine, because it is one credit hour and means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. ALSO...it is impossible. ALSO...it is at 8am. I hate worthless classes that are required by some arbitrary board of college education. Its just a health class...for college students. I suppose i deserve it though, since i somehow dodged out of health class for high school.

On another sad note...

I poured my heart into a paper that i originally had no desire to write. I started out not wanting to write it..then got really passionate..and i wrote an amazing paper. We were given the vague instructions to "Give our biblical foundation for our view on abortion." No rubric. No specific details. However, i got inspired and wrote a four page paper (as compared to the 1 pagers of my peers). Upon receiving my grade, i became extremely frustrated with the 6/10 that i received as compared to my friend's 8/10. I worked hard and wrote the paper creatively..she cited random verses. I have no doubt that her paper wasgood, but it was probably virtuallythe same as everyon elses. LAME. I will post my paper...and then i will post his critique of it. Keep in mind that he NEVER gave us specific instructions.

An Argument from Creation: A Biblical Stance on Abortion
I am an artist. I love to create things. Whether I’m doodling in my notebooks, creatively writing, or making beautiful cards out of scrapbooking paper, creating brings me extreme pleasure. Nothing bothers me more, however, than when people tamper with my work because they don’t like it, because they don’t understand it, or because it is not what they want at that time. I acknowledge that sometimes my work ends up flawed, sometimes it doesn’t speak to a person in the way it speaks to others, and sometimes it affects people in ways that may hurt for a time, but that is the nature of artwork. Art is not always a happy thing. A creator creates not only so that everyone will be aesthetically pleased, but also aesthetically challenged. The problem is that many times those who are perceiving the work of art don’t always understand that, they don’t always see that the art is not only beautiful if it affects them in pleasant ways—even it if is difficult to behold, the art can still be beautiful. The art is not dependent on the person experiencing it. I would even go as far as to say that no one will ever understand my creations fully—no one will ever understand the creation to the extent that the creator does. The artwork is its own entity, not bound by the adjectives that people use to describe it. The Bible, for instance, is a piece of art. Just because some perceive it as inconvenient, out-of-date, far too challenging, or somehow flawed does not detract from the inherent beauty and creativity in the Book. It is the truth and goodness in the book that give it its beauty, not the reactions of those who may be challenged in uncomfortable ways by it. By this time, I am sure that you understand the allegory I wish to make—Each person, along with being a creator, is also a creation. This, of course, assumes that man is created by something, a creative someone. This paper assumes that God is the creative being that mysteriously crafts all that is in this world. I will make no attempt in this paper to prove that God is the creator, but I will attempt to show the relationship that a creator has to his creation.
Before an artist even begins to create, there is a certain amount of time, energy, and thought that goes into planning and preparing to perform the creative act. When I write a paper, I decide the nature of the paper, my desire for its effect, and the mode of delivery long before I pen a single word. In the same way, God has had a plan for each part of His creation far in advance to its actual arrival on earth. In the book of Jeremiah, God speaks to his prophet, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah responds to the Lord, telling him that he feels quite inadequate for the job, but the Lord rebukes him. It was always in His will for Jeremiah to fill that role, even before he was in his mother’s womb. God had a plan for Jeremiah. So too, God has a plan for each one before his conception. Could God have spoken to Judah in a different way, through a different person? Yes. But He did not will that; it was not a part of His divine plan. And since we know not God’s plan, how could we justify ending a life for which we are unsure of the great impact it could have on a singular life or many lives? In the same way, I become frustrated when, not knowing the impact it may have, a person squashes my idea for a piece of art. Who are they to stop my creation in the beginning stages, before its energy and power can clearly be seen? Why can’t I, based on my faithfulness in creating beautiful things in the past, be trusted to create something beautiful in the future? And, even more so with God. God, a perfect entity, can only be expected to create something that fits into His will and plan for creation. I make mistakes in my creation. He does not.
Though God does not make mistakes, we as humans are fallen beings. Sin has permeated our very being, proving our need for our perfect creator to draw us back into the nature He intended for us. Not only we as humans, but also the natural order of things has been corrupted. Paul, when speaking about the “thorn in his flesh,” some malady that has plagued him for a large part of his life, proclaims that “for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Though sin, and deformation of the good of this world is often overwhelming, God’s power is made perfect in the deficiency of this world. This applies to every area of life—the intentionality of life as well. Inadvertent pregnancy, deformation, pregnancy as a result of rape, etc. are all sad manifestations of evil incarnate in this world. However, running the risk of sounding severely trite and cliché—“two wrongs don’t make a right.” God still created that child, and that child is still a part of His divine plan, whether the creation was conceived in sinful circumstances or in the way God intended, the child is now a part of His supernatural plan for the redemption of this world, a work of art in His intentional gallery.
In the Plato’s Phaedo, the main character, Socrates, discusses life and death with two of his disciples. They pose a question about suicide and whether or not it should be considered immoral. Plato, through the mouth of Socrates, explains that the taking of one’s life is analogous to one’s possession deciding to destroy itself, without consulting its owner. This is an appeal to divine ownership. No man is his own. If one does not bring something into being, then one should not take it out of being. Not only is this an argument against suicide, but also it is an argument against abortion. Just because a child resides within your womb, does not mean that the child is yours. God is the great designer, the great artist. To take one of His pieces of art out of existence is to defame the name of God, to proclaim that His design is purposeless and flawed which is very untrue and shows a severe lack of trust in His perfect plan.

That is the paper. Not amazingly good; not however, "D" worthy. I'm actually not so worried about the grade. I care increasingly less about grades. I am, though, very concerned with making sure my teacher understands that this IS my bibical foundation...though it is not citing numerous passages. It is the essence of my faith, comprised of MANY parts of the Bible, not just specific passages. Give me a break Dr. Moore.
Here was his response:
A biblical foundation requires that one use scripture to develop their understanding. In your paper, no citations were given for the scripture to be used. If scripture is used, then the context of the scripture needs to be taken into consideration as to the meaning of the passage. Thirdly, scripture is interpreted by scripture. Although you paper has an interesting approach to it, how do the passages you name translate into a foundational approach? I am missing the point!
Ugh. Maybe i'm way out of line, but i don't understand this critique. Not to mention, it was freaking 4 pages long. I obviously took time to relay my opinion and plan out my response. If for no other reason than because i obviously poured myself into this assignment, i feel i am deserving of something other than a D. Maybe its a talking to about my confidence with regard to my work.
Either way, there will be a confrontation tomorrow morning at 8:50am. And its not gonna be pretty--especially at that time in the morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is a beautiful paper annie. your teachers insane.