
Another active night.

4:45- We beat our opponents soundly in intramural football, advancing us to 4-0, and first in our league.

5:30- We watch our brother wing get smashed once again in intramural football, reducing them to 0-4 in their league. how tragic.

6:30- Dinner with the brother wing.

8:00- Extreme Spoons at the Sammy Fountains. We scattered the spoons more than 200 yards away..and hid them. It made every round last forever. totally loved it though.

9:00- Airband Practice. We are practicing the "mambo" dance from west side story right now. I danced with a boy named jordan who is roommates with the boy i am going on a pick-a-date with on saturday. I found out that he is going with a girl i know really well from CRAM. this makes everything SO much better since i have never met this boy i am going with before and by chance we got put together on this date. apparently he is quiet. almost mute. should be fun. haha. soooo at least i'll have jordan and his date, my friend, darla, there to hangout with.

11:00- Brad brings katelin and i coffee from starbuckys and we meet his roommate...who i actually already knew, but i just didn't know he was brad's roommate.

these kinds of things happen on a campus as small as tay tay. gotta love it.

good night all. i have early class tomorrow..and probably breakfast before.

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