I love to plan my classes...too bad i will never get the classes i want.
Originally, these were my plans for classes in for the remainder of the year:
J-term: (4) Art as Experience MTWRF + a trip to Chicago to see Wicked!
Spring Semester:
(1) Leadership Class
(3) World Literature [Mook]
(3)World Religion:Eastern Traditions [Corduan]
(3)History of Philosophy II [Seeman]
(3)American Constitutional Development:Civil Rights and Liberties [Loy]
(2)Computing and Information Concepts [Cramer]
(3)Intermediate Spanis II [Chang]
NOW, the plans are going to have to be changed since all my classes are rapidly filling up, and i don't get to sign up for them until the 13th...luckily, a few days before most of the freshman.
(3)Interpersonal Communication [Deneau]
(1)Leadership Class
Spring Semester:
(2) Computing & Information Concepts
(3)World Religions: Eastern Tradition (ONLY BECAUSE I BEGGED HIM. the class is otherwise full already)
(3)History of Philosophy (hopefully)
(3) American Constitutional Development:Civil Rights and Liberties
Beyond those..i haveNO idea what classes to take in the Sping. The classes i want/need are not being offered or they are full. UGH.
i might have an upperclasseman sign up for the classes and reserve me a spot, and then drop them right as i need to get into them. Yes. that is what i'll do.
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